
Product Arena at the finishing line: celebrating our interns' success

At Tech387, we believe in investing in the future of tech by empowering young talent. That's why we launched our first three-month paid internship program, Product Arena, earlier last year. The response we received from students and recent graduates was overwhelming, as we received over 600 applications. After careful consideration, we selected thirty interns to join our team. We are thrilled to highlight and celebrate their achievements.

How it started: expectations vs. reality

Upon launching Product Arena, we expected a good response, but the response we got was massive. We were pleasantly surprised by the overwhelming interest it generated. We received over 600 applications from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region. Our application platform and recruitment team were buzzing with activity as we eagerly reviewed each application, delighted by the enthusiasm and talent demonstrated by young professionals keen to embark on a career in the tech industry. Selecting only 30 interns proved to be a challenging task as each applicant possessed unique qualities and potential. After careful consideration, we finally identified the thirty candidates who we believed would be a perfect fit for our company.

Following the opening ceremony and administrative formalities, we were thrilled to welcome the interns to our office. They brought a fresh perspective and a positive energy that invigorated our team.

From the beginning of the internship, our interns displayed a remarkable commitment and dedication to the program. We allocated the initial phase to soft skill development and theoretical learning, tailored to meet the varying needs and backgrounds of our diverse team. Upon completing this stage, our interns seamlessly transitioned into working on real-life projects, demonstrating an impressive level of competence and enthusiasm. They were working alongside our engineers and product managers to develop new features and products. They tackled complex challenges with enthusiasm and creativity. They were not afraid to ask questions or offer suggestions.

Despite our efforts to customize the program to cater to diverse requirements, not all narratives were triumphant. A couple of our interns found the intensity of Product Arena overwhelming and elected to discontinue their participation. While we regretted their departure, having handpicked each candidate, we were happy that they acknowledged the limits of their capacities. We expressed our gratitude to them and wished them success in their future endeavors, redirecting our complete attention and resources toward the remaining participants.

Throughout the entire internship, we prioritized professional development and mentorship, recognizing that technical skills are only one part of a successful tech career. Our interns attended workshops on communication, time management, and leadership. Throughout Product Arena, they received regular feedback from their mentors and supervisors.

Exciting projects, real-time, and Product Arena interns

During the conceptualization of Product Arena, our team was initially unsure about the specifics of our internship program. However, we were sure about what we did not want. We aimed to avoid a traditional internship experience where interns would sit around and wait for direction from their mentors. Instead, we set out to create a program that would provide interns with a genuine taste of the tech industry, where they would feel a sense of responsibility and commitment within a fast-paced environment. Our primary objective was to equip interns with the skills to work collaboratively in teams while stepping outside of their comfort zones. 

To achieve this goal, we structured our internship program around the concept of product development teams. Interns worked together to develop projects and features. Our project managers had the task of balancing client demands with capabilities and limitations of respected teams. To provide a hands-on learning opportunity for our interns, we simulated a client experience by enlisting several members of our core team to assume the role of clients. Each client had varying levels of clarity about their product vision, ranging from a clear idea to a more nebulous concept, and some expressed uncertainty about their direction. This exercise closely mirrors the experience of working with genuine clients in software development. Our core team members were fully committed to representing the clients, ensuring authenticity was at the forefront during the execution of the simulation. The Product Arena team engaged in meetings with the clients to gain a deep understanding of their objectives and collaborated to meet their demands.

The Product Arena developers led the team in the right direction, making decisions on the best technologies to utilize and ensuring that the software remained cutting-edge and didn't become obsolete quickly. Meanwhile, the Product Arena QA team tested the apps rigorously to find and eliminate bugs before delivering the product to clients. Product Arena designers took into account the clients' desired visual identity and brand colors, as well as the UI/UX. Their main task was to ensure the new apps were user-friendly and visually appealing.

Our interns faced numerous challenges, which they successfully overcame throughout Product Arena. To do so, they had to learn how to communicate effectively, motivate one another, and support team members who may have lacked technical skills but demonstrated enthusiasm and a desire to learn. Overall, our internship program provided a unique opportunity for interns to gain practical experience working in a real-world setting, enabling them to develop the skills necessary to succeed in their future careers.

Countdown to completion: reflecting on the success of our interns

Now, as the internship draws to a close, we are thrilled to celebrate the success of our interns. Over the past three months, they have made incredible strides in both their technical knowledge and soft skills. Our interns proved to be invaluable members of our team.

We have leveraged the valuable experience gained by our interns, who had the opportunity to use our cutting-edge Product Arena learning platform to create an enhanced version that can meet the diverse needs of our users. The development process involved three separate teams, each responsible for crafting a unique app version tailored to the requirements of different clients. The teams brought their distinct perspectives and experiences with the initial platform to bear, resulting in three specific and innovative apps. We invite you to visit Google Play to explore these exciting new offerings to gain a better understanding of the ingenuity and expertise that went into their creation.

Omega team

Delta team

Alfa team

The results speak for themselves. Our interns made significant contributions to our products, bringing fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to the table. They also developed important soft skills, such as teamwork, problem-solving, and communication, that will serve them well in their future careers.

Product Arena V1: An internship that rocked the tech world

Tech387's first three-month paid internship program, Product Arena, was a resounding success. With over 600 applications, thirty interns were selected to participate in the program, and the results were exceptional. Throughout the program, the interns displayed commitment and dedication to their work, excelling in soft skill development, theoretical learning, and practical application. While not all narratives were triumphant, the interns worked in teams, overcame numerous challenges, and gained experience working in a real-world setting. The best interns will get a permanent position upon completing this journey. The internship program provided a unique opportunity for interns to develop the skills necessary to succeed in their future careers, and Tech387 is confident that the experience will be a valuable addition to their professional portfolios.

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